Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nuclear Power-Plants Don't Scare Me: C'mon Bro I Got Tiger Blood

Well it’s been a day since the earthquake hit, but Japan, as most of you already know, is not even close to getting out of the dangerous situation.  I woke and talked to my mother and sister for a while.  I ate breakfast and was relieved to hear my girlfriend made it home safely last night.  Today has been rather normal.  I watched the news with my host family.  We still have a tsunami warning, but it’s very minor, plus as I have already mentioned, tsunami would not really affect my immediate safety all too much since I am rather far from the coast. 

This afternoon, there was an explosion at the nuclear power-plant in Fukushima.  You may recall that is where I was skiing.  Thank god that trip happened many weeks ago and not now =).  Right now, we don’t know what to think in Saitama.  We are on alert and ready for the worst, but rather calm.  I helped my host grandfather change the tires on the van, if we need to leave, we’ll have a brand new set of tires to ride on.  I went for a jog today…I felt productive.  Other than that, I have been on the computer reassuring all of you at home and checking up on friends.  I have ¥47,124 (a little more than $500) in my wallet now in case we lose power and access to ATMs. 

Despite this new turn of events, I am still unnerved by it all and please ask you all at home to act the same.  God forbid something bad happens, I am in good hands with my host family.  The three adults are very knowledgeable and wise people.  I have full confidence in their ability to keep me safe, and believe you should too.  In addition, I am rather resourceful, strong, and brave.  I welcome your prayers and concerns.  They have kept me calm and strong in these rather scary times.  Please continue to direct prayers to the people of Japan.   We need them, and thank you.  (BTW, they really appreciate the American support thus far--keep it coming!)

**I also want to say something about Michael Congiusta.  This somber weekend started with his death Thursday night (morning in the States) .  He was the nicest kid I have ever met.  Life handed him a lot of challenges, and he responded to them with a challenge.  Despite all of his hardships, he never acted remotely malicious towards anybody.   The world lost a valuable citizen and role-model.  To the family, my thoughts and prayers are with you.  You raised an ideal human being.  RIP Juice.

1 comment:

  1. Continuing to pray for Japan, you and all I know over there. I like your sense of optimism and pray this nuclear emergency is resolved safely and quickly. Please know the people worried about you here love you exceedingly and only want for your safety and well being as well as to have you home where they can be the adults in charge, which is only natural and loving. I pray you continue to be of good cheer and level-headedness.
