Monday, January 17, 2011

I Wish They all Could be Japanese Girls

In their hit song, “California Girls”, The Beach Boys claimed that they’ve “been all around this great big world” seen many women, but “couldn’t wait to get back to the states, back to the cutest girls in the world”.  I am guessing they forgot to go to Japan.  I mean the second thing I noticed in Japan was how beautiful the girls were.  And I’m not just saying one here, and then maybe another—almost all of them are absolutely gorgeous.  Even the ones who dress weird look cute.  They are thin with perfectly applied make-up and perfectly combed hair.  Their voices sound so cute.  When they just want to go かわいい!!
            The girls age very well too.  I was at the club the other night and met a girl.  We danced and talked.  Then she asked me how old I was and I said I was 21.  She then wanted me to guess how old she was.  I replied 23 to which she started to giggle.  “Flip the numbers around, and you have my real age” she said.  I could not believe it.  I wasn’t trying to flatter her, she honestly looked 23 years old.  But enough about that night.
            Now many of you reading this well know that I have been suffering the yellow fever for quite some time.  Consequently, you may think I am exaggerating a bit.  Maybe you are telling yourself, “yeah, he may find those Japanese girls attractive, but he likes Asians, I don’t.  He’s just wrong.”  Well, many of the guy friends I have made here have been more bonkers than I have over these girls.  Many of them also claim that they never found Asian women attractive until now.  I am telling you, there is something about these Japanese girls.  If you doubt me, go to Japan.  Tell me how you feel when you come back.
            To all the American girls reading this, I apologize for having you read the above.  Trust me, you are good-looking too.  I am sure there is a guy out there for you…it’s just not this one.  Let’s be friends.
            Right about now, my mom is probably having a panic attack thinking that I might not come home on the account that the girls here are gorgeous.  Let me assure you mom, I am not staying here.  I love Japan, and I am having a great time.  There is just one thing I cannot stand—being a 外人 (gaijin, outsider).  All eyes are on me wherever I go.  Sometimes, I will sit on the train and the person next to me will stand up and move to the other side of the train.  It sucks.  Also, when I ride my bike, I have to worry about getting pulled over by a cop who may think that I stole it.  The worst part is, is there is no way to assimilate for me.  Even if I master Japanese, people will sill stare at me.  They will still get up when I sit down on the train.  The cops will still think I am a troublemaker.  In America, I do not suffer this.  Trust me, it’s okay here.  I make the most of it.  Occasionally, I will look down at the ground on the train and then pop my head up suddenly to which many of the Japanese quickly put their heads down.  I don’t mind it all that much.  It’s only 4 months—my whole life on the other hand, couldn’t do it.  So yes mom, if I fall in love here, she will come to America.
            Otherwise, school is good.  There is more work than I would like, but things are going well.  I am making a lot of friends.  Unfortunately I could not celebrate my birthday tonight on the account of homework and a heavy class-load tomorrow.  I don’t want to miss class because I have quizzes in two of them, and if you miss like 4 classes, you fail the course.  So, I want to save those absences for emergencies.  However, tomorrow night, I shall celebrate my 21st birthday. 

1 comment:

  1. You know what I told myself when I read this? “yeah, he may find those Japanese girls attractive, but he likes Asians, I don’t. He’s just wrong.”
